Sabah gazetesi
Bilfen Secondary Schools Department Heads Commented on Sample LGS Questions
Artı Eğitim dergisi
Cem SEYMEN Met with Students at BilTalks!
Gazete Kayseri
Devrim Erbil and Artist Renk Erbil Met with High School Students
Kayseri Gerçek Haber
Devrim Erbil and Artist Renk Erbil Met with High School Students
Special Celebration for Teachers' Day from Bilfen Schools
Quality of Magazine
Murat Boz Sang for Bilfen Teachers
Year 2025 from The Perspective of Fatih Öztürk, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Bilfen İzmir High Schools Became The Champion of Bilfen Cup Erciyes 2024
The November 24th Celebrations Full of Joy at Bilfen Educational Institutions
Kayseri Gerçek Haber
The Champion of Bilfen Cup Erciyes 2024 Has Been Announced
Gazete Kayseri
Bilfen İzmir High Schools is The Champion of Bilfen Cup Erciyes 2024
People Mag
Murat Boz Sang His Most Beautiful Songs for Bilfen Teachers
Quality of Magazine
First Republic Day Celebration of The Second Century of The Republic at Bilfen Kindergartens
Klass Magazin
Special Celebration for Teachers' Day From Bilfen Schools
People Mag
The October 29th Celebration Full of Joy at Bilfen Kindergartens
Yeni Birlik
Murat Boz Sang His Songs for Teachers
Murat Boz on Stage for Teachers
Murat Boz Sang His Songs to Teachers
The November 24th Celebration with Murat Boz at Bilfen Educational Institutions
Midterm Holiday Suggestions from Tuğçe KILIÇ, Head of Guidance Department at Bilfen Middle Schools
Yeni Birlik
The Republic Day Was Celebrated with Enthusiasm
Hürriyet Kelebek
The Road to The Republic in Bilfen Kindergartens
Quality of Magazine
Teachers' Day Message from Fatih ÖZTÜRK, Deputy Chairman of Bilfen Educational Institutions
Belle Magazin
The Republic Day Celebration Full of Joy at Bilfen Kindergartens
The Republic Was Celebrated with Enthusiasm at Bilfen
Akdeniz'de Yeni Yüzyıl
Internship Opportunity at Stanford
Antalya Yüzyüze
Summer Internship Opportunity at Stanford
Bingöl Kent Haber
First Day at School Tips from Bilfen Kindergartens Coordinator Hande KIZILÖZ
First Day at School Tips from Bilfen Kindergartens Coordinator Hande KIZILÖZ
Quality of Magazine
The Tradition of Success Continues at Bilfen
YKS Preference Period Tips from Bilfen High Schools Exam Group Manager Sebahat BAŞUSTA
Sabah Avrupa gazetesi
Preference Tips From the School of Champions
Sabah gazetesi
Preference Tips From the School of Champions
Özyurt gazetesi
Turkey's Winners at LGS Are From Hatay!
Capital dergisi
Turkey's 50 Rich-Hearted Businesspeople
Hürriyet gazetesi
The Common Secret of 36 Champions Is To Work Regularly
Sabah gazetesi
Time Challenged in TYT
Türkiye gazetesi
Bilfen High School Department Heads Evaluated YKS Questions
Sabah gazetesi
Social Sciences Challenged This Time in LGS
Hatay Asi gazetesi
Musical Therapy for Earthquake Pain
Sabah gazetesi
One and A Half Month Left for The Exam
Milliyet gazetesi
Bilfen Turkey Champion
Sabah Gazetesi
Mathematics Made Easy at LGS
Hürriyet İzmir Ege
Math Geniuses
İz Gazete
World Record from Bilfen in Mathematics Olympiads
Günboyu Gazetesi
High School Students Visited NASA
Sabah Gazetesi
Quality Holiday In 8 Items
Bingöl Kent Haber Gazetesi
Sleep Makes Learning Easier
Milliyet Gazetesi
Sleep Makes Learning Easier
Para Dergisi
Evaluation Of The Year From Bilfen Vice Chairman Of The Board Of Directors Fatih Öztürk
Karar Gazetesi
Reading Comprehension Stands Out In The First Common Written Exams
Alem Dergisi
Educational Celebration
Quality Dergisi
Bilfen Students at Dolmabahçe
Quality of Magazine Dergisi
A Memorable Celebration Special For The Teachers' Day
People Mag Dergisi
A Memorable Celebration Special For The Teachers' Day
Fortune Türkiye
Bilfen Students in Cambridge
Belle Magazin Dergisi
A Memorable Celebration Special For The Teachers' Day From Bilfen Group of Companies
Yeni Birlik Gazetesi
Sertap Erener Is On Stage For Teachers
Posta Gazetesi
Special Concert For Teachers
Hürriyet Kelebek
Teachers Had Fun
Bursa'da Meydan Gazetesi
Meeting With Atatüre at The Heart of Physics
Günboyu Gazetesi
They Got To The Heart of Physics With Mete Atatüre
Şamdan Plus Dergisi
Students and Parents Celebrated The 100th Anniversary of The Republic Together
Quality of Magazine Dergisi
100th Anniversary Celebration of The Republic from Bilfen Schools
People Mag Dergisi
A Celebration Worthy of The 100th Anniversary of The Republic from Bilfen Schools
Belle Magazin Dergisi
A Celebration Worthy of The 100th Anniversary of The Republic from Bilfen Schools
Ekovitrin Dergisi
Turkey's 50 Most Charitable People
Sabah Gazetesi
Pay Attention To Success Ranking, Not The Score
Gerçek Gazetesi
Belle Mag
Bilfen Students and Aşkın Nur Yengi On The Same Stage
Pause Dergisi
She Shared The Same Stage With Bilfen Students
People Dergisi
Bilfen Students and Aşkın Nur Yengi On The Same Stage
Quality Dergisi
Aşkın Nur Yengi and Bifen Philharmonic’s Journey To The 90’s
Hürriyet Gazetesi
Important Details In The LGS Manual
İlkkurşun Gazetesi
Melek Beria Özer Ranked First in LGS in Turkey
Hatay Gazetesi
Despite The Earthquake, She Became The First in Turkey
Hatay Söz Gazetesi
Despite The Earthquake, She Became The Fisrt in Turkey
Bingöl Kent Haber Gazetesi
562 Candidates 500 Full Score
Hürriyet Gazetesi
Earthquake Survivor, Melek, Is Also Champion
Sabah Gazetesi
The Secret of Champions Is To Study In A Planned Way
Bingöl Kent Haber Gazetesi
AYT'de de Sürpriz Yok
Şamdan Plus Dergisi
On The Same Stage With Bilfen Students
Yeni Çağrı Gazetesi
Bilfenli Öğrenciler ve Aşkın Nur Yengi Aynı Sahnede
Yeni Çağrı Gazetesi
Bilfen Students and Aşkın Nur Yengi On The Same Stage
Hürriyet Gazetesi
ADAYLARA; YKS İçin Adaylara ve Ailelere Son Hafta Tavsiyeleri
Hürriyet Gazetesi
To The Candidates; Final Week Recommendations To Candidates and Families For YKS
Sabah Gazetesi
Bol Bol Soru Çözün
Sabah Gazetesi
Solve Lots Of Questions
Türkiye Gazetesi
Increase Your Test Solving Freuquency
Akşam Gazetesi / Güneş
Philharmonic Orchestra With Yengi
Anayurt Gazetesi
Bilfen Students and Aşkın Nur Yengi On The Same Stage
Erzurum Pusula Gazetesi
I’ve Had The Most Beautiful Thing
Kamu Son Haber Gazetesi
Aşkın Nur Yengi Performed With 500 Students
Sonsöz Gazetesi
Aşkın Nur Yengi Performed With 500 Students
Yeniçağ Gazetesi
Aşkın Nur Yengi's Concert With An Orcehstra Of 500 People Was Appreciated
Başkent Gazetesi
Aşkın Nur Yengi Performed With 500 Students
Günlük Evrensel Gazetesi
Aşkın Nur Yengi Performed With 500 Students
Hürriyet Gazetesi / Kelebek
Aşkın Nur Yengi Gave a Concert With Students
Sabah Gazetesi / Sabahla Günaydın
I Performed In A Casino At The Age Of 12
Posta Gazetesi
On The Stage With 500 Students
İstanbul Gazetesi
Warning Hours Before LGS: Attention To The 45 - Minute Break
İstanbul Gazetesi
The Score Value Of The Easiest Question In A Subject and The Most Difficult Question Is Equal
Kamu Son Haber Gazetesi
Must Pay Attention To The 45 - Minute Break In LGS
Belle Mag
French Singer “Anne Marie David” Is On The Same Stage With Bilfen Students!
Quality Dergisi
Bilfen Students On The Same Stage With Anne Marie David
İstanbul Gazetesi
Bilfen Philharmonic Orchestra and Aşkın Nur Yengi On The Same Stage
Bingöl Kent Haber Gazetesi
Take Practice Test Everyday
Milliyet Gazetesi
Keys For Winning YKS
Hürses Gazetesi
Tankut Turnaoğlu and Murat Birsin Met With Students At “Biltaks”
İstanbul Gazetesi
They Met With Students At “Biltalks”
Hürses Gazetesi
Izmir Bilfen Is The Champion Of Turkey At TEKNOFEST
Sabah Gazetesi
Little Ones End Off Food Waste With A Smart Fridge
Hürriyet Gazetesi
Bilfen Students Are Champions Of Turkey
Yeni İzmir Gazetesi
They Said “Benefit To Humanity” and Grabbed The First Place
Sabah Gazetesi
Solve Questions, Analyze Mistakes, Take Breaks
Hürses Gazetesi
Bilfe Students Drew Attention To Soil Pollution In Cities
Workshop Dergisi
Bilfen High School Students Met With The Head Of Novartis Turkey, Natacha Theytaz
Yenigün Gazetesi
A New Generation Of Work From Students Who Are Not Insensitive To The Environment
Kamu Son Haber Gazetesi
Bilfen Students Did Not Remain Insensitive
Hürriyet Gazetesi
Exhibition Of Young Talents
Eczacı Dergisi
Head Of NOVARTIS Türkiye, Natacha Theytaz, Was The Guest Of Bilfen High Schools
Medikal Plus Dergisi
Natacha Theytaz Was The Guest Of Bilfen High Schools
Pause Dergisi
Seniority Awards From Bilfen
Bingöl Kent Haber Gazetesi
Don't Be Friends, Be A Parent
Hürses Gazetesi
Successful Names Of The Technology World At Bilfen Schools
Hatay Express Gazetesi
Successful Names Of The Technology World At Bilfen Schools
Sabah Gazetesi
Don't Be Friends, Be A Parent
Quality Dergisi
Bilfen Seniority Awards Found Their Owners
Analiz Gazetesi
Seniority Awards Found Their Owners
Belle Magazin Dergisi
Bilfen Schools Commemorated Atatürk On The 84th Anniversary Of His Death In Dolmabahçe
Kayseri Gerçek Haber Gazetesi
“BILFEN CUP 2022” Have Been Announce
Bursa Kent Gazetesi
BILFEN CUP 2022 Have Been Announce
A Gazete
BILFEN CUP 2022 Have Been Announce
Telgraf Gazetesi
BILFEN CUP 2022 Have Been Announce
Bingöl Kent Haber Gazetesi
Read Books For 25 Minutes In A Day
Hürriyet Gazetesi / Kelebek
They Commemorated Atatürk In Dolmabahçe
Milliyet Gazetesi
They Sang Atatürk's Favourite Songs
Sabah Gazetesi
Read Books For 25 Minutes In A Day
Takvim Gazetesi
Endless Respect To Ata
Sabah Gazetesi
Social Status and Peer Bullying
Kayseri Gerçek Haber Gazetesi
TOEFL Certificate Ceremony Enthusiasm At Bilfen Kayseri Schools
Gazete Kayseri
TOEFL Certificate Ceremony At Bilfen Kayseri Schools
Hürses Gazetesi Antalya
Device For Extinguishing Forest Fires
Gazete Kayseri
TEKNOFEST Became The Focus Of Attention
Kayseri Anadolu Haber
Became The Center Of Attention At TEKNOFEST
Kayseri Gerçek Haber Gazetesi
Bilfen's Project At TEKNOFEST
Analiz Gazetesi
%95 Water Saving With Soilless Agriculture
Milat Gazetesi
They Saved 95 Percent Water With Soilless Agriculture
Önce Vatan Gazetesi
Teachers Have A Lot Of Responsibilities
Günboyu Gazetesi
Teachers Have Very Big and Important Responsibilities
Posta Gazetesi
Successful Investments in Distance Education
Sabah Gazetesi
LGS’de Geri Sayım Başladı
Akşam Gazetesi
Bodrum'da Büyük Heyecan
Hürriyet Kelebek Gazetesi
Bisiklet Yarışı Tamamlandı
Milliyet Gazetesi
Bodrum'da Ödüller Sahiplerini Buldu
Sabah Gazetesi
Bodrum'daki Bisiklet Yarışına Büyük İlgi
Fast Company
The New Normal in Education
Do Not Hinder Education!
Hürriyet Akdeniz
Young Reporters of the Environment
Hürriyet Akdeniz
Zero Waste Project by High School Students
Exhausting All Technological Opportunities
Hürriyet Ege
Eco-friendly Projects by Bilfen
Students Equipped with 21st Century Skills
Corona Migration in Education
Sports Scholarships Keep Snowballing
Talents Will Not Be Lost Anymore
Sabah Gazetesi
Yeni Nesil Öğretmenlik
Elele Dergisi
21. Yüzyıl Becerileriyle Donatılmış Öğrenciler
How It Works Dergisi
21. Yüzyıl Becerileriyle Donatılmış Öğrenciler
Marketing Türkiye Dergisi
Online Eğitimde Bilfen Fark Yaratıyor
Populer Science Dergisi
21. Yüzyıl Becerileriyle Donatılmış Öğrenciler
MediaCat Dergisi
Eğitimde Dijitalleşme Devam Edecek
Sabah Gazetesi
Korkular Eğitime Engel
The Future of a Country Depends on Education. Bilfen Makes a Difference in Education!
How should you prepare for LGS in online education? Do not drop the pencil
The schools are closed until the 4th of January
Capital Dergisi
The ones who enhance the power of women win
Ceo Life Dergisi
In pursuit of antiques
They are at the school again! They wear masks, have distance but are hopeful
They are at the school again! They wear masks, have distance but are hopeful
Klass Magazin Dergisi
Bilfen Publication Group has welcomed the new period
Moon Life Dergisi
Bilfen Publication Group has welcomed the new period
Quality Dergisi
Suitable dealer meeting of Bilfen to the pandemic rules
Dünya Gazetesi
Bilfen has received the Clean School Certificate of TSE in education
Recommendations to parents for face-to-face education: Do not reflect your concern to your child
Recommendations to parents for face-to-face education: Do not reflect your concern to your child
Recommendations to parents for face-to-face education: Do not reflect your concern to your child
We are the first private school in İstanbul with the Clean School Certificate of TSE
The new period is welcomed
Bilfen Publication Group welcomed the new period
Yeni Birlik
Bilfen Publication Group welcomed the new period
Bilfen Publication Group welcomed the new period
New books were introduced to the dealers
Bilfen Publication Group welcomed the new period
Artı Eğitim Dergisi
Bilfen Publication Group celebrated its 10th anniversary with 70 new publications
Bilfen Publication Group welcomed the new period
Bilfen Publication Group held the 1st meeting in the pandemic period
Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Publication Group held its first meeting in the pandemic period
Bilfen Publication Group celebrated its 10th anniversary with 70 new publications
Bilfen Publication Group held the 1st meeting in the pandemic period
They realized their dreams
The dream of the LGS champion is to Be a Football Coach!
Turkey champion Ömer with diabetes achieved all the things that are claimed to be impossible
The students with full points are one third of the previous year
181 champions in LGS in total
8 Turkey Champions in LGS 2020 from Bilfen Schools
181 students were champions in LGS
LGS results have been announced
8 Turkey champions in LGS from Bilfen
The dreams of the champions of LGS 2020 are different
8 Turkey champions in LGS from Bilfen
The champions of LGS filled their parents with pride
Tips for YKS
YKS tips from specialists
Maths will be determinant in LGS
3 wrong answers will cancel a correct answer in LGS
Specialists are making comments on the questions in LGS
Maths was determinant in LGS
Last week recommendations to the students who will take the YKS exam
Recommendations from specialists to the students who will take the YKS exam
Last week recommendations for LGS from the specialist: Do a pencil practice
The lessons will be moved to school garden
The last turn in YKS
The last turn in YKS
Last month recommendation for YKS from the specialist
The last month for YKS: How should we study for the exam in the last month?
Last month recommendation for YKS from the specialist
Last month recommendation for YKS from the specialist
Last month recommendation for YKS from the specialist
An environmentally-friendly project
An environmentally-friendly project
LGS tips from department heads by courses
An environmentally-friendly projects from Bilfen students for minimizing the use of plastics
There is 1 month for the exam, keep studying
There is 1 month for the exam, keep studying
Be up to date
Be up to date
They made comments on the LGS questions
Which subject matters will be included in LGS?
LGS 2020 recommendations from specialists for all courses
LGS 2020 recommendations from specialists for all courses
Teachers made comments on example LGS questions
An exemplary student cooperation
Stay home with technology thanks to Bilfen
Learn and have fun with technology
Learn and have fun with technology
Stay home with technology thanks to Bilfen
What are the activities you can perform with your children at home with the use of technology?
What are the activities you can perform with your children at home with the use of technology?
What are the activities you can perform with your children at home with the use of technology?
The period of education is 11 million minutes
The period of home learning in Bilfen Schools reached to 11 million minutes
They answered more than 5 million questions and received education up to 11 million minutes in distance learning
An environmentally-friendly project from high school students
A project from young Bilfen students for protecting Gediz
Remote support to flamingos
Hürriyet Ege
Online enrolment period in Bilfen Schools
We built a virtual school
Sabah Akdeniz
Online enrolment period has started
Sabah Egeli
Online enrolment period in Bilfen Schools
Hürriyet Ege
Teacher at home crosses all boundaries
Sabah Egeli
They crossed all boundaries in online education
They crossed all boundaries in online education
Milliyet Ege
We rebuilt the school in a virtual environment
We rebuilt the school in a virtual environment
Hürriyet Ege
Stay home with art
Yeni Asır
Bilfen offers online education to 20.5 thousand students
The period of online education exceeded 6 million 573 thousand minutes in 3 weeks
The period of online education exceeded 6 million 573 thousand minutes in 3 weeks
Milliyet Ege
Art at home
Sabah Akdeniz
The students imitated famous portraits
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
They are distributing foods to support healthcare professionals
Teachers characterized the self-portraits and paintings of famous painters
Self-portraits of famous painters were re-characterized
Teachers characterized the self-portraits and paintings of famous painters
Teachers characterized the self-portraits and paintings of famous painters
Teachers characterized the self-portraits and paintings of famous painters
Bilfen opened totally 142 schools in Turkey!
Bilfen opened totally 142 schools in Turkey!
High school students provided E-Steam training to primary school students
High school students provided E-STEAM training to primary school students
The path of Bilfen
High school students provided E-STEAM training to primary school students
Lise Öğrencileri, İlkokul Öğrencilerine 'E-STEAM' Eğitimi Verdi
High school students provided E-STEAM training to İ students
The address of success in education for 32 years
Children keep you energetic and young
Hürriyet İK & Yeni Ekonomi
There are schools suitable to all budgets and needs
Hürriyet İK & Yeni Ekonomi
Preparations for the new school year
A challenging target for the year
Supply and demand has become unbalanced
Awesome increase
A museum-like school
This is not a museum but a school
It will open a school in England and start a reverse brain drain
It will open a school in England and start a reverse brain drain
The walls of the holding were equipped with the works of art
We are not a stranger to Gaziantep
We will follow a controlled path in 2019 for growth
From the perspectives of bosses and executives
We will follow a controlled path in 2019 for growth
Ceo Life
Our target is to open a museum
We will not decelerate in investments
Bilfen Publication Group is participating in the book fair with its more than 300 new publications
Pause City
Bilfen Publication Group met in Cyprus
Travel of Bilfen Publication Group to Cyprus
Klass Magazin
Bilfen Publication Group family came together in Cyprus
Bonne Vie
Bilfen Publication Group came together in Cyprus
Artı Eğitim
Bilfen Publication Group introduced its digital products
Şamdan Plus
They met in Cyprus
Bilfen Publication Group is ready for the new period
Hürriyet Kelebek
They met in Cyprus
Yeni Çağrı
Bilfen Publication Group met its dealers in Cyprus
The Educational Publication Group came together
Sabah Akdeniz
Meeting of Bilfen before the new period
Yeni Bakış
Bilfen is ready for the new period
Biltur Catering: 25 years of experience and professionalism
Our job is education and our brand is Bilfen
Hürriyet İK & Yeni Ekonomi
Who take us upward are teachers
Fatih Öztürk: Schools make sense with teachers
Acting as the Deputy Chairman of Bilfen Group Companies, Fatih Öztürk explained the importance attached to education to Quality
We are an education volunteer family
Our targets for 2018 are stability and employment
A great attention to Bilfen Publication Group in TÜYAP
Bilfen Publication Group is at TÜYAP Book Fair
Unibusiness Dergisi
30 years in education with the difference of Bilfen
30 years in education with the difference of Bilfen
Bilfen Publication Group held a dealer meeting
Meeting of Bilfen Publication Group in Antalya
The ones who dominate the publication business came together in Antalya
Yeni Çağrı
The ones who dominate the publication business came together in Antalya
Antalya Gündem
Publishers came together in Antalya
Son An
The ones who dominate the publication business came together in Antalya
Bloomberg Businessweek
There is no upper limit in education
Go ahead with advanced technology and modernization
Sabah Kayseri Eki
80 million TL investment in education
We cook and ship the meals in the morning
80 million TL investment in education
Onsite catering service is more advantageous
A new school chain in Bilfen
Sanayi Gazetesi
Palatal delight was combined with health
HACCP increases the awareness of hygiene
Milliyet Kitap
Educational books are also included in the fair
Habertürk Kitap
Fair marathon of book lovers is starting
Bilfen Publication Group is at the book fair
Yeni Ekonomi
Bilfen Publication Group will make a difference in the 35th TÜYAP Book Fair
Yeni Ekonomi
The course of education is changing with Netbil
Bilfen Publication held its dealer meeting in Antalya
Antalya Life
Travel of Bilfen Publication Group to Antalya
In City Akdeniz
Travel of Bilfen Publication Group of 1000 people to Antalya
Travel of Bilfen Publication Group to Antalya
A night with Yıldız
Antalya meeting
Educational Publication Group came together in Antalya
Antalya Gündem
Travel to Antalya with 1000 people
Travel of Bilfen of 1000 people to Antalya
Antalya Ekspres
Travel of Bilfen Publication Group of 1000 people to Antalya
Biltur Catering makes a serious investment in R&D
Adapazarı Akşam Haberleri
Intellectuals are in Sakarya
Yeni Sakarya
The intellectuals are Bilfen are coming together in Sakarya
Sakarya Yeni Haber
Bilfen staff are coming together in Güral
School management is an expensive business
Artı Eğitim
Bilfen brought the museum to the school corridors
Artı Eğitim
Bilfen Publication will meet with teachers and students at TÜYAP
Meals are in safe hands with Biltur Catering
Artı Eğitim
BİLQR - The education technology of the future
Artı Eğitim
Netbil Supplementary Resources are getting prepared to become indispensable books
XL Magazin
Bilfen Publication is preparing for the new school year with its 600 dealers
Antalya High Life
Bilfen is ready for the new period
Artı Eğitim
Bilfen Publication is preparing for the new school year
Belle Magazin
Bilfen Publication is preparing for the new school year with its 600 dealers